Thursday 31 March 2011

This survey was conducted in order to help us with what type of film we should made, and what appeals the most to our audience.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Filming schedule

Tania, Rajni, Iqra & Ms. Jones Scene 1 (practice) 26/11/10 3.40-4.30 Harley Grove Staff Room
Tania, Iqra, Ms. Jones, Ms. Colbon & Ms. Taylor Scenes 2, 3, 4, 5 (practice) 1/12/10 11.00-12.30 CTC Staff Lounge
Tania, Iqra, Mr Macintosh First part of radio presenters lines 1/12/10 12.40-1.05 A-Block Studios
Tania, Iqra, Rajni, Ms. Jones & Mr Williams Film scene 1 8/12/10 4.30-5.30 Harley Grove Staff Room
Tania, Iqra, Rajni, Ms. Jones & Mr Williams Film scene 6 10/12/10 4.00-5.30 Outside- Harley Grove- Playground
Tania, Iqra, Rajni, Ms. Jones, Ms. Colbon & Ms. Gorman Film scenes 2,3,4,5 14/12/10 3.45-5.00 Harley Grove Staff Room
Tania, Iqra, Rajni & Mr Macintosh Discuss 3D poster idea 10/12/10 3.30-3.45 A-Block Studios
Tania, Iqra, Rajni & Mr Macintosh Radio Trailer theme 25/01/11 12.40-1.40 A-Block Studios
Tania, Iqra, Rajni & Mr Macintosh Extracting sound for Radio Trailer 8/02/11 12.40-1.40 A-Block Studios
Tania, Iqra & Rajni Film Last scene 16/02/11 3.30-4.00 Harley Grove Staff Room
Iqra, Ms. Jones & Mr Macintosh Record narrations 18/02/11 2.30-3.00 A-Block Studios
Tania, Iqra, Rajni, Mr Williams & Mr Chekki Do Poster, edit the film and opening animation 18/02/11 3.20-4.50 T14 T-Block
Tania, Iqra, Rajni & Mr Williams Finish poster and animation 24/02/11 9.00-12.00 T14 T-Block
Rajni, Iqra, Mr Macintosh & Niraj Evaluating film so far 26/02/11 12.40-1.40 A-Block Studios
Rajni, Mr Macintosh & Niraj Improvements to our film 26/02/11 2.00-3.20 A-Block Studios
Tania, Iqra, Rajni, Mr Macintosh & Niraj Group feedback discussion 26/02/11 3.30-4.30 A-Block Studios
Tania, Iqra, Rajni & Mr Williams & Mr Chekki Film shots of the new beginning to our film 4/03/11 2.00-3.00 Outside of Harley Grove Medical Centre
Tania, Iqra, Rajni & Mr Macintosh Upload footage 4/03/11 3.30-4.00 A-Block Studios
Tania, Iqra, Rajni & Ms Jones Filming improvements to our film 7/03/11 3.30-5.00 Harley Grove medical room
Tania, Iqra, Rajni Upload footage and editing 8/03/11 12.40-1.40 A-Block Studios
Tania, Iqra, Rajni, Mr Macintosh, Niraj Editing 9/03/11 11.00-1.40 A-Block Studios
Tania, Iqra, Rajni, Mr Macintosh, Niraj, Ms Jones Improving sound quality, editing, recording narration 9/03/11 3.30-5.50 A-Block Studios
Iqra, Rajni, Mr Macintosh Adding narration and recording presenters part 10/03/11 2.00-4.30 A-Block Studios
Tania, Iqra, Rajni, Mr Macintosh Produce and add music 11/03/11 3.00-4.30 A-Block studios
Tania, Iqra Create new trailer script 13/04/11 5.15-6.05 Iqra’s House
Tania, Iqra, Rajni, Mr Macintosh Finish adding music to film
Make a new trailer script 13/04/11 2.30-5.00 A-Block studios
Tania, Iqra, Mr Macintosh Finishing trailer 14/04/11 3.00-5.00 A-Block studios

Thursday 10 March 2011

Drama Genre

New and updated narration script


Sometimes it feels like my mind is like a rubix cube. I just can’t seem to figure it out. The doctors tell me I’m seeing and heating things that aren’t there. How can that be when it feels real?

Scene 1

I had been waiting so long for a reply from a great academy in America. That day was amazing, I got in and my family where so happy for me, I actually felt proud of myself.

Scene 2

Everything was going perfect, we were all happy warm we spent together, before I left for America.

Scene 3
Little did I know it wasn’t going to last, I kept hearing them whispering behind m back which made me paranoid and my head filled with jealousy.

Scene 4

I knew there was something wrong my suspensions were turning into reality. I was raging with anger when I found out that I was adopted. They didn’t have the courtesy to tell me that I wasn’t part of this family.

Scene 5

I couldn’t stand being amongst these liars, I had to leave.

End scene:
The doctors tell me that I’m mentally not well... but I don’t think they’re telling me the truth. How can all of this not have happened? I was there, I did get the scholarship, my family did betray me. It was real, I’m sure off it!

The new and updated media script.



INT. Medical room- EVENING

Black screen. 3 slow beep sound. Camera is focused on the rubix cube in Helen’s hands and gradually zooms out to reveal her sitting on a bed. She is playing with the rubix cube, whilst the radio is playing in the background and her phone is on loudspeaker.
Sometimes it feels like my minds like a rubix cube. I just cant seem to figure it out, the doctors tell me I’m seeing and hearing things that aren’t there. How can that ne when it feels real?

Welcome back to London radio next we have surgery hour where we’re here to help with you r problems and anxieties. Next on the line we have Helen, hi Helen what’s bothering you?

(Casual tone)

Helen is still playing with the cube and suddenly the screen turns yellow. We hear a loud scream. The camera zooms out. Helen is jumping up and down with joy and a letter in her hand.

I’m going to America

Oh my gosh, did you get in to the academy??

Yes I did!

Helen places letter near the rubix cube on a desk. The family hug excitedly.

Screen turns orange

Helen is playing with the rubix cube. Her sister gathers the whole family up to take a picture on the sofa. She places the cube on the table and the camera is zoomed on a digital camera taking the picture of the family. Flash

Screen turns green

(To Helens sister)
Any parent would be proud to have you as their daughter. Seriously you’ve done so well in your studies this year, so I wanted you to have these

HELENS mum pulls out a ticket

Mum you’re the best! But what about Helen, she would love to go to this?

This is for your achievements, not hers

Helen is in the background listening in and is very jealous.

Screen turns red

I can’t believe you lied to me

We only did it to protect you from getting hurt

So I’ve been living a lie and you’ve never thought to tell me I wasn’t even part of this family?

Stop pushing away the people who care about you

Get out of my room now you evil COW!!

Please don’t do this, you’ll regret it

(Shouts very loud)

Helens sister walks out the room and smashes the door shut. Helen throws the rubix cube at the door. The cube lands on the colour blue.

Screen turns blue

Helen is holding a letter and crying. She shuts the door of her front door and puts the letter in her pocket. Still crying she walks away from the door with her belongings in a bag. She stares at her house for a moment but decides to head off. She stops to rest near a tree and plays with the rubix cube. The cube falls to the ground and lands on the colour blue. She walks away from it but decides to come back and get it. She then slowly walks away.

The screen turns white

The rubix cube is lying on the floor. A white cloth suddenly drops over it.


So what happened next?